Healthy You for a Healthy Universe

Later evolved into I Heart Tap Water Campaign

Project Leads:
Cathy Kodoma, Kim LaPean, Trish Ratto

University Health Services

TGIF Grant:

Project Theme: Education & Behavior Change

Project Location

2008 Application Submission

Project Description:
This collaborative campaign sought to promote the drinking of tap water to the campus community and make tap water the preferred beverage over bottled water, soda, and energy drinks.

I Heart Tap Water Website

Goals: Locate and assess current accessibility to campus tap water (i.e. water fountains) and install new water bottle refill stations. Promote the use of reusable aluminum water bottles and distribute thousands of free high-quality reusable bottles with a consistent health & sustainability logo. Build campus awareness about the environmental and health benefits of choosing tap water through a public information campaign. Reduce the purchase of single-use plastic bottles by 25%, thereby reducing the campus waste stream, the use of petroleum-based products, and the daily caloric intake of individuals. Have campus members sign tap water pledges.

Final Report

Final Report Addendum

Accomplishments Summary