Compost Alliance - Bringing Compost to Campus Buildings
Project Leads: Claire Evans, Parijat Chakrabarti, & Annie Gorden
Sponsor: Cal Zero Waste (formerly Campus Recycling and Refuse Services, or CRRS)
TGIF Grant: $32,000
Project Theme: Waste Reduction
Project Description: The Compost Alliance designs and implements campus building composting systems in collaboration with Physical Plant-Campus Services, which oversees both Custodial Services and Campus Recycling & Refuse Services. This system was piloted in 10 campus buildings and includes service, set-up, equipment, and educational outreach.
Goals: The current campus waste diversion rate is 42% of 9,700 tons of waste created by campus in 2009. By implementing composting within campus buildings, the Compost Alliance plans to raise this rate to 63%, which translates in 2,000 tons of waste diverted. A campus-wide composting system will eliminate an estimated 292 MTCO2e (292,000 kgCO2e). Conduct preliminary and post-implementation waste audits of the 10 pilot buildings. Create enough compost volume to collect in-house and therefore reduce costs and put saved monies directly to more composting implementation. Work closely with building managers and custodians to garner support and understand their needs and input with regards to composting. Create a campus standard for signage. Assist UC Berkeley in reaching its zero waste goal by 2020.