Zero Waste Reusables Advancement Research Project
Grant Amount: $26,400
Project Theme: Education & Behavior Change, Waste Diversion & Reduction
Project Sponsor: Cal Zero Waste
Project Description:
Zero Waste Reusables Advancement Research Project gives undergraduates at UC Berkeley opportunities to have real experience in the field and to gain a deeper knowledge of the importance of zero waste on campus and in the real world. They are doing this by using the funds TGIF provides to hire four students to conduct research about implementing reusables and creating a zero-waste campus. Each student will have a different concentration to focus their time on. One student will direct their attention to the reuse stations that are located throughout campus, and help the program become more developed. The reuse stations provide students with reusable materials that they may need for school such as office equipment. Another student will work on increasing the use of reusables and promoting zero-waste on campus by conducting surveys and helping educate through programs in Student Housing. They will also work on collaborations with sustainable businesses such as Planet Renu. The third will work on applying and sustaining reusables in Cal Dining and other cafes on campus. The last staff associate will focus on the education, outreach, and promotion of implementing reusables in restaurants in Berkeley. This staff member will be closely connected to PlateUp, ensuring restaurants are using reusables onsight and if not, connecting restaurants with companies that produce environmentally friendly takeout options in the Southside of Berkeley.
Project Goals:
1) To help implement zero waste on the UC Berkeley campus through education, collaboration, and the promotion of reusable and eco-friendly products.
2) Allow students to have paid work experience in the field of zero waste.
Project Leaders: Anya Brink