Project Description: We plan to incorporate various 3D printing projects regarding the recycling of plastics in order to provide educational opportunities for students in Richmond and at UC Berkeley. In conjunction with the Design Engineering Collaborative, the campus’s 3D printing community will become zero waste with the incorporation of failed prints as the source of filament for 3D printed projects.
TGIF Award: $2,000
Project Description: Campus bike parking is currently at or near capacity during most days during the academic year, and access to bike parking is a critical need for encouraging more people to bike commute to campus. The goal of this grant is to update the campus bike parking inventory to reflect current bike parking conditions.
TGIF Award: $2,000
Project Description: This project would take place in the area around the Carillon Road bridge directly west of Stephens Hall. It provides three main services to campus. The environmental service involves stabilizing the North slopes of the area and replacing invasive plants with natives that are more authentic to the Redwood understory setting.
TGIF Award: $2,000
Project Description: Greek Recycling at Berkeley (GRAB) is dedicated to taking on a huge source of waste in our city: the fraternities. The city of Berkeley refuses to collect the recycling from fraternities, so these students have decided to take on the task themselves.
TGIF Award: $,1982
Project Description: The MCC Healing and Learning Garden (MCCHLG) project aims to transform the underused patio area on the north side of the MCC (located inside MLK, Jr. Student Union) with accessible raised bed planter boxes.
TGIF Award: $2,000
Project Description: When water flows down impervious surfaces such as pavements and parking lots, various urban pollutants accumulate and wash into the water table. The Low Impact Development (LID) approach tackles this problem by adopting the site’s natural hydrology to control the stormwater at the source. As an LID design structure, a rain garden consists of trenches, berms, swales and curb openings that channel the rainwater into its basin.
TGIF Award: $1,986
Project Description: This project involves putting stickers on paper towel dispensers all over campus (in classroom buildings, in the residence halls and in fraternities and sororities) to remind students that they come from trees. Moreover, paper towels are a huge source of water waste, water pollution, and carbon emissions.
TGIF Award: $503