Standardization of Waste Sorting Signage within UC Berkeley Residence Halls

Standardization of Waste Sorting Signage within UC Berkeley Residence Halls

Project Leads: Julia Sherman, Sarah Bui, Samantha Lubow

Sponsor: Housing and Dining Sustainability Advocates (HADSA)

TGIF Grant: $6,018.00

Project Theme: Waste Diversion & Reduction; Education & Behavior Change

2019 Application

Project Description: In fall of 2018 the Housing and Dining Sustainability Advocates (HADSA) and Cal Zero Waste conducted an assessment of all existing waste sorting infrastructure within RSSP residence halls. Through this assessment, these organizations discovered a lack of clear, standardized signage educating residents on how to properly sort their waste, leading to high levels of contamination. Even with UC Berkeley’s Zero Waste Goal of 2020 rapidly approaching, there is still a strong need for standardization and improvements in residence hall waste infrastructure. In partnership with Cal Zero Waste and campus facilities, HADSA aims to provide adequate signage for all four waste streams within the residence halls. Standardized, clear, and consistent messaging will reinforce the effectiveness of infrastructural changes taking place at the end of this year. The signage will be designed based on information from spot audits of commonly missorted items in April of 2019. In summer of 2019, the signage will be installed, and in fall of 2019, educational programs will be implemented to further assist residents in sorting their waste.

Goals: 1) Design and implement standardized waste bin signage throughout all on-campus residence halls that match campus standards

2) Engage and educate students about proper waste sorting. Improve UC Berkeley’s Waste Diversion Rate through increased utilization of recycling and compost bins and a reduction of landfill waste.